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My Policy on Affiliate Links, Sponsorships, and Disclosure on Youtube

by - 7:36 PM

Let's have a chat, shall we.  Since day one on Youtube, I've been real with you guys. Honesty and integrity are two values that are extremely important to me- in relationships, in my career, and on the internet. So let's lay it all out.

I want to openly address my thoughts on affiliate links, sponsorships, and disclosure, so there is no confusion now, or in the future. I am speaking solely on behalf of myself, my values, and the way I go about earning an income from Youtube.  

I make money off of Youtube in 3 primary ways:

  1. Youtube Adsense 
  2. Affiliate Links
  3. Sponsorships
I'm going to focus mostly on the second and third points here since most people are aware that Youtubers earn money off of the ads that play before a video. 

Affiliate Links

What are they? 
In each video, I always link the products I use in the description box. This allows you (the viewer) to quickly and easily find the product, and me (the creator) to earn credit for directing traffic to a given site or product. Affiliate links enable an individual to earn a small commission off of each sale. Some links are called PPC (Pay per click), in which that person earns a couple cents anytime the link is clicked on, regardless of whether a sale was made or not. The percent of commission you earn depends on the retailer, some are at 3% commission and some are as high as 12% commission. When we're talking about makeup, you typically only earn 10 cents to a few dollars off of each sale, since makeup isn't super expensive. If you make 10% commission off of a Gucci purse, you're going to make a heck of a lot more than 10% on a $20 liquid lipstick from Sephora. Point being, in general the amount of commission you make off of each sale is extremely insignificant, but overtime, it adds up. 

What can be linked?
LITERALLY ANYTHING. This is very important because affiliate links in no way influence the products I mention- anything from a toilet cleaner, to a mascara can be linked. Unless you are seeking out products to talk about solely because they have high commission, there is nothing wrong with using, or clicking on affiliate links. Affiliate links give the influencer credit for introducing a product to a larger audience and generating sales, and cost absolutely nothing additional for the consumer. 

How do I know when a link is an affiliate link? 
There are a few main "umbrella" affiliate networks including RewardStyle, MagicLinks, and Amazon Affiliate, where almost all products can be found to link. Some brands run their own affiliate programs (like Ofra Cosmetics and Sigma with Refersion, and Sedona Lace with ShareaSale). If a brand isn't offered through RewardStyle or MagicLinks, they are almost always available to link through one of their own independent affiliate programs. Affiliate links are typically shortened links, and look like this: 


Bit.ly links are used to track clicks and don't provide commission, however a bit.ly link can still be an affiliate link. If you click on a bit.ly link, you'll see it redirect to either directly the destination page, or it'll first stop at RewardStyle (rstyle.me...), and then hit the final destination.  For example: http://bit.ly/2kXx1Ql

If you don't want to support an influencer through clicking their affiliate links, all you have to do is Google the product yourself.

Affiliate Codes
Instead of supplying affiliate links, some brands have affiliate codes, the most well-known being Morphe. These codes give your viewers a discount, and also give you commission off of each sale. A lot of Youtubers prefer codes over links because they can be used across any social platform, like Instagram and Snapchat, where the audience isn't able to click on a link. 

I personally have affiliate codes with Morphe, Bryan Anthony's, and Ofra Cosmetics to name a few. Again, because almost every brand offers affiliate commission, it really doesn't matter whether I mention a Morphe Brush, Sigma Brush (independent affiliate program), elf brush (affiliate through RewardStyle and MagicLinks) or Real Techniques brush (ULTA affiliate through RewardStyle and MagicLinks), because they all offer some form of commission. There's no incentive on my end to promote one over the other, if they all earn you roughly the same commission. 

Again, in case you missed it, unless you are seeking out products to talk about solely because they have high commission (which I do not), there is nothing wrong with using, or clicking on affiliate links. Affiliate links give the influencer credit for introducing a product to a larger audience and generating sales, and cost absolutely nothing additional for the consumer. They enable me, as a creator, to earn a small income off of things I use, love, and want to share with my audience.

In my description box, in the past I stated that some of the above links are affiliate links. Not all of them are affiliate links, some of them are just bit.ly or full links like when I mention Colourpop (who does not have an affiliate program that I am aware of). I recently have updated my description box to list the FTC disclosure before any affiliate links, reading "the below links are affiliate links." I've also included examples of links- like rstyle.me and go.magik.ly, and will also be referencing this post in the description box for full disclosure, and for anyone who wants to learn more. 


What goes into a sponsorship?
Most sponsorships are planned for weeks, if not months beforehand. If there's a specific product involved, I always require that the brand let me test out the product for 4-6 weeks before agreeing to move forward with the video. More often than not, I decide that I don't want to move forward with the video. I turn down 9/10 sponsorships due to them being off-brand, not something that I like or that I feel my audience would like, or too many requirements from the brand, etc. 

Do you do sponsorships?
Yes! If I do move forward with a sponsorship, it's something that I have tested out and stand behind. Every sponsorship is a reflection on my personal brand, so I'm selective with the sponsorships I take on. It's very exciting to be able to work with brands that you align with, and sponsorships allow me to continue creating regular content. 

I always state if a video is in collaboration with a brand in the FTC in my description box, and verbally in the video. If it's stated, it's sponsored. If it's not, it's not sponsored.

TLDR; I understand the value in building an engaged community online. Earning, gaining, and keeping your trust is extremely important to me. If I recommend something that is absolute shit, at the end of the day that reflects badly on me and my channel, which is why I turn down 9/10 sponsorships that come my way. Using affiliate links to reference products, and taking on sponsorships every now and then with brands that I genuinely believe in and products that I genuinely love, enables me to earn a living off of Youtube and continue to invest time in creating content that viewers on Youtube are able to consume for free. As a viewer, it is your responsibility to be an educated consumer. Like I always say, do your own research, watch other videos, and make an educated and informed decision before making a purchase, whether it's after watching a Youtube video or a TV show. 

Hope that helps clear some things up, if you have any questions...just ask. Love you guys. #baerritofam

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  1. I heard that in addition to saying that a link is an affiliate link, you also have to indicate WHICH links. instead of just "some of the links below are affiliate links." you're supposed to disclose each one.

    1. It depends on the affiliate platform's rules, the FTC has been cracking down more on them and brands which is the only reason why that's stated on their site. At the end of the day, it's up to the individual how you want to disclose your affiliate links, in my opinion saying "The above links are affiliate links" and pointing out that magik.ly and rstyle.me are affiliate links is sufficient. If you're really worried about clicking an affiliate link, you can just Google the product. :)

    2. Did you read the entire thing? Taylor is a very educated and responsible person. If that was something she had to do, or felt like she should, she would! Listen, as far as I am concerned, she is probably the only influencer I have seen go out of her way to explain all of this to her viewers. She has like 4 fuckin jobs so go waste your time somewhere else Felicia.

    3. I don't understand why you are so mad when my comment was more than polite, and I appreciate that she disclosed all of this. I had been under the impression that each affiliate link had to be disclosed to truly be in compliance with FTC. my bad, dude, I'm sorry this upset you so much. wasn't trying to criticize her, just thought I'd mention it for her own use.

    4. Cheyenne, take a chill pill. The OP was polite and just stating something she heard. Please don't become one of those fans that is rude to anyone who questions a YouTuber.

    5. Cheyenne, your response is a bit crazy, are you ok? The original question asked was more than polite...no one was attacking Taylor...you need to chill out.

    6. You... are absolutely correct (despite comments that followed) :)

  2. Very insightful post. Love you! #baerritofam

  3. Thanks for setting it straight. I do not see a problem with it at all unless your only endorsing it to make money. Glad to see you don't. And your absolutely correct that trusting someone makes all the difference in the word. I don't understand why viewers get all butt hurt about it! Just because your sponsored by no means says that you have to like every product. Ok all that being said I am fairly new to you channel what does baeritto mean? I'm sure you get asked that all the time. But I've been binge watching your videos and I haven't ran across what that means. I assumed last name.

    1. I believe the name baerrito comes from her love of burritos, and the fact that we, her supporters, are her "baes" :)

  4. How do you get these affiliate links or codes do you Ask the company for them or do they seek you out

    1. I would be interested to know this too. I don't really understand how you go about even getting the links.

    2. On most websites at the bottom it will have a link to become an affiliate, where you can apply. Or just search "__company name__ + affiliate" in Google.

  5. It's just a cute nick name she gave to her viewers. It's bae and burrito combined. Burrito because she is obsessed with burritos. Welcome to the baerrito fam ��

  6. I'm such a huge fan and advocate not only for the content you produce but also for you as a person. It's incredibly hard working and empowered women like yourself who are redefining expectations around gender in business. Your contribution towards feminism is felt, and I'm thankful to have you as an inspiration. Thank you for being a kick ass woman of integrity and passion.

    1. Wow, thank you so much. I'm lucky to have inspiring and incredible women in my life as role models :)

  7. Thank you for sharing! I also don't understand why people get butthurt about links and sponsorships. A lot of times you can tell from videos who are the people who are trying to force shit products down your throat for money and who are the people who have a genuine love for not only make up, but for spreading the good products around to others. As you said, it's a consumers job to be aware and do further research on a product before making an actual purchase. I have tried a lot of products you have suggested that I feel match my needs and have loved them all, so therefore I have a trust for anything you recommend. You put so much time and effort into your videos, of course you should be rewarded if all of your work results in a consumer purchasing something that you suggested! I am so forever thankful for finding your YouTube channel. I love you so much and just want to say thank you for all that you do, you've made my pale princess life so much easier when it comes to finding products for my skin! xoxo Kristen G

  8. I will continue to support and watch your channel and shop with your links for sure. I'm sad they don't have postmates in my area though. The chipotle crave is real right now. Lol. You rock Taylor.

  9. I really appreciate your transparency on this matter Taylor! Just one of the many reasons you are my favourite beauty blogger on Youtube.

    As a person in a creative industry who wants to make entertainment content for a living it irks me when I see people getting up in arms about sponsorships or affiliate links for creators. Creating great content that shares products with your audience and making money should not be mutually exclusive. If a viewer is bothered by it then enjoy your hours of free content - it's not like anyone is obligated to watch, click, or purchase!

  10. Brilliant Taylor! I am so so glad you wrote this - as Meg Malory said above, your fierce work ethic and stellar content is truly inspiring. You're always my awesomely feminist #WCW. (and thank you so much for publicly marching in the women's march-I wrote this on your Instagram but I reiterated here-it was amazing to see a creator that I respect so much take a stance on an issue that is so close to our hearts, our very rights. Truly impressed. I wish I could have marched, but I was the Sabbath and I was too far away to walk to any of the march points :(

  11. This was a good read - not only a great way to show your integrity but to actually just explain how youtubers make money, I've always been curious. I don't mind sponsorships at all personally, I understand that to be providing good content you're either juggling a full time job or it's your main income and you have to be able to sustain it somehow. Transperancy is really what's important. Thanks heaps for the info :)

  12. I don't know why some people get so fussy about affiliate links. If you don't provide a link for everything, people hound you to find out where it's all from and if you do, you get slammed for being money hungry. It seems like you're damned if you don't and you're damned if you do. I would rather use an affiliate link or code when making a purchase and support a person who makes content I like than just give all my money to a faceless corporation. Keep doing you girl, you're awesome and you inspire people every day!

  13. I appreciate you taking the time to explain this to us, but one thing you stated is we watch for free, not true!! We pay for the internet, so yes were paying to watch yt.

    1. Very true but we don't pay for YouTube... If they started doing that then the app wouldn't be free and therefore we wouldn't be watching YouTube with free content

  14. Love how transparent you are and have never understood why folks get so bent about this stuff. Also, I am a fairly recent 'baerrito fam' member and just love your videos, snaps etc.

  15. Love this! If only some others were more transparent i'd feel like I could watch their videos and enjoy their content more; knowing they're not lying about the quality! x

  16. Taylor: I love your videos and if you ask me I don't care if a link you provide is an affiliate one or not. I follow you because I also belong to the "fair princess" family, and I find your videos are a good example on what I should search. I'm not in the US and most of the products cannot be found here, either the shades are just few or simply they don't exist.
    I study in an Economics school and, finger crossed, within 2 years I'll be accountant (I suppose to be one by now, but nope... it's a bit harder that I thought), I want to tell you the following: you should eat, pay bills, as long as the job is legal or you get the money legally I don't see the problem.
    Another thing is that a product that works for you might not work for me and vice-versa, no matter if we share or not the same skin type. Even if you like and sponsor a product there will be people that will claim that that product didn't work for them...
    I love people being honest and I admire them. I will respect you as long as you are true to yourself and respect others (a general use of the "you").
    Thanks for being you, Taylor!!!
    XOXO from Buenos Aires City, Argentina.

  17. Thank you for being so honest and explaining all of this even when you didn't have to. Your an awesome person and very truthful witch is why I always feel comfortable referring fellow makeup lpving friends to your YouTube channel. Your 100% genuine all the time and that is a great quality.

    Keep doing you👌.

  18. This is a great and really interesting post, but I just hope you know that you have always come across as genuine and up-front anyway. That's what I love so much about your videos - it is obvious that you are telling us your honest opinions, and that your enthusiasm [or dislike/hate, haha] for a product is how you really feel. To be honest, lots of the products that you make videos about are not available in the UK [and I'm really weird about shipping things from America, I just feel really bad about it so hardly ever do it for myself], but I still watch every single one and love your videos, even when I know there's no chance I'll be able to buy the products, haha! Thank you for just being you, and doing what you do :)

  19. Thanks for explaining all of this Taylor. You are one of the few people I watch that tests things out in all lightings and checks in showing your geniunine thoughts, regardless of the brand or price. I also wondered how you tubers get the PR packages, is if because you are an affiliate?

    1. PR packages are sent to people who have an influence online. Personally I only accept PR for editorial consideration (meaning there's no promise that it's going to be mentioned at all, and I'm going to say if it sucks). Before PR is sent, I always reiterate this to the brand. Some of my least favorite products were sent as PR- the Hourglass Vanish Stick foundation, Loreal Pro Glow foundation, Lancome metallic lipsticks, etc. Even though I'm an affiliate with certain brands (like Morphe), I'm going to tell you if I don't like a product, because as I mentioned, if I tell you to buy a product that's shitty, that reflects badly on me at the end of the day. Of course everyone has different opinions on products so even if two Youtubers are both sent the same PR package, and I happen to hate it and they happen to love it, doesn't mean they're necessarily not being truthful. Just go with your gut, you can usually tell someone's intentions :)

  20. I hate that you even had to write this, but youtube is a different world these days, and some ppl are just out for money. I have read some other concerns about affiliate links before that weren't mentioned in the article. I'm not very educated on the topic so I could be wrong. I have heard that if you click on an affiliate link to a low priced item on a site that the cookies stay on your computer for 1-30 days depending on the site. So, if you go back to the site on another day and buy a higher priced item like a $400 purse, you get the comission on that sale. I feel like that might be a good topic to touch on.
    All with love, I have bought several things from your recommendations. Keep on keeping on.

    1. That is true- some sites have 30 day cookies, where the affiliate gets credit for future purchases, like Amazon. Here's some info on this (all of this information is readily available to anyone) http://passivecomein.com/amazon-affiliate-24-hour-cookie-vs-90-day-cookie/

      I believe the idea being that as an affiliate, you may be the sole reason, or part of the reason) for a purchase, thus introducing someone to a site and being the reason for future purchases. Of course with sites like Amazon, most people have already shopped on here, but as a consumer affiliate commission is no additional cost to you. It really just comes down to whether you're okay with supporting that person, or whether you want 100% of the profit to go to the brand instead. If you don't want to, you can turn your cookies off for certain sites.

    2. Well...I'm going to support you when possible bc I like you. On Amazon, I usually do the "smile" thing where a percentage of my purchase goes to a charity. I wonder how that works if your cookies are on my computer, but I go to the smile site that pops up. Would that override your link/cookie. I never really thought about it. This post has really made me think about things.
      P.s. I am the O.P here, I don't know why my name didn't pop up.

  21. Love your transparency on this subject! I wanted to add that by stating "above links are affiliate links" is not sufficient for the FTC. If you read their guidelines, the disclaimer has to be presented BEFORE you list your affiliate links that way there is no confusion for the consumer and before they click the links they are aware that they are affiliate links. Burying the statement at the end of your description box is still not compliant with FTC regulations.

    Also, stating "some links are affiliate" is also not compliant. You have to CLEARLY label which ones are affiliate, so with an (*) symbol or "this link is an affiliate link" statement next to each link.

    It's important that you research and read the FTC statement so that you follow the law properly and avoid being fined.

    I have no problem supporting you and your desire to use affiliate links, but make sure you do it the right way so you don't get hit with a fine.

    1. Thanks- I'll be moving up my FTC in future videos to appear before affiliate links.

      As I mentioned in an above answer, the FTC has been cracking down more on agencies, brands and affiliate platforms which is the only reason why that's stated on their site- if the FTC did ever come after an individual, it would be a rare case with someone huge where absolutely nothing is disclosed, but better safe than sorry :)

    2. That's actually been stated on their site for quite some time (at least a year, if not several more). Grouping affiliate links together & being sure to mention ABOVE those links that not only are the following affiliate links but that you will receive a commission based on sales, etc. ec... is required by Y/T, Google & FTC.. of all creators showing any consumer product. Reason being, makes sure any consumer watching, is aware prior to clicking away or saying they never saw it. If anything is sent free or if monetized in any way, shape or form.. that is sponsored & has to be mentioned IN the video so it can be viewed on any device. Easy to just put a disclaimer card at the start somewhere, too.... (could be perks, extras, gift cards (cough, Tarte) cute little phones (benefit.. among other things. + trips etc), polaroid cameras (Kiehls... just to name one) or tequila.. still has to be mentioned in the video near the beginning or where the item was mentioned. Any/every item & any/every time it is mentioned on any site, actually. Be that in a favorites or a series of vid; where a free or sponsored product is stated as used (or shown) even if unrelated to the topic of the video. Basically (tho a craaazy amt of work for the creators imho) anything not 100% out of pocket & that "could be" seen as 'influenced' or biased by those watching (from loyal long time subscribers like myself TO Joe Smith down the street) Everyone has to be well aware & clearly informed of what weight to give... to the opinions regarding what they are watching. While clear on television or a pre-roll "ad"... For many imho it's not about people making $... but about a feeling of being deceived to an extent. Whether intentional or (imho, as many are) just uninformed... Sadly, can tend to come off the same. Esp to all the internet trolls just looking for 'something'.. 'anything', ya know? Whether they come after the influencer themselves OR the management company, brand, PR people.. shouldn't matter as far as integrity goes (to anyone, not speaking of you, btw.. ;) ) Ultimately, as the creator putting out the info to their loyal subscribers, who are the reason/#'s that helped get them where they are today......... one would hope every creator would want to be compliant as far as their rights... consumer rights... to be as transparent as possible; fully compliant at all times, as required by Y/T, Google & the FTC. Yes, better safe.. than sorry! Esp considering Y/T lately & esp consider what.... it 'could' cost someone. Their channel/livelihood, at worst. Doesn't seem worth it, at all. Things any/every influencer OR content creator, imho... should know & be WELL versed on, however. Live long(ER) &vape on! #ABillionLivesFilm

  22. Hallelujah, girl! Thank God an actual (beauty) YouTuber decided to make a statement about this! I've been so annoyed with these drama channels left and right, trying to make it look like every content creator is out there just for the money. (Not to mention companies - why isn't, say, Morphe allowed to advertise their new products? What sense does that make?) This post explains everything so wonderfully, I hope everyone who thinks greed is behind these things will read it, and actually pay attention to what you are saying. It's sad that people are so quick to judge and think the worst of others. Obviously not every content creator is honest like you are, some really do seemingly just do it for the money, but, like you said, every consumer needs to educate themselves, too, and not just believe everything someone else says, just because they put it in a video. Or Tv, or radio, or the newspaper... I also have a feeling not every beauty guru even know how precise you actually have to be with everything, which then makes it look like they are deliberately trying to lie to you.

    (And also - not every beauty guru is based in the US, which, I believe, means that they don't actually have to state anything because of your law, even though YouTube is owned by Google, but they still do out of courtesy for the viewer. I know that in my country, at least, you do need to state that you are sponsored, but the level of how clearly you have to do it is very different.)

    Anyway, I hope all the hard work you put on your awesome channel gets some compensation in the future as well, be it codes or links or sponsorship or what ever! I've only ordered online once (with a code), but I made sure to use yours, because I really think you deserve all the good things that you can get. Your hard work and dedication shows in every video and I trust that you will only promote products that you actually like, no matter what those links give you. And so far, I have agreed on every product I've bought after looking for advice from you first. :)

    You are the best. Thank you for making YouTube what it's supposed to be.

  23. Love your professionalism and heart, Taylor. <3

  24. Thank you for clearing this up and being honest. I have no problem with affiliate links as long as the creator is honest and upfront about it. Putting links in the description without notifying your subscribers I think is shady. Especially when it just looks like it's taking you to Sephora, when it is redirecting you through an affiliate site that you make money off of. That is not okay for me. You were honest and up front, so I will continue to support you and your channel for that reason. I understand that you need to generate income from the amount of work you do creating content and editing videos, which can take forever. It's not that I think You Tube creators don't deserve to get paid for their hard work, but to do it in a sneaky way (and that is sneaky if you do it for the commission only and do not disclose it) is misleading and taking advantage of your viewers. I'm sure some of the other beauty gurus are guilty of this, but you do not seem like that type. Again, thank you. That was a very intelligent and professionally written explanation.

  25. Thank you for taking the time to post this information. I love how you're ALWAYS 100% honest! Never once have I felt like you've lied about a product- you have integrity and keep it real! I love reading and watching everything you post and completely appreciate your effort, hard work and pure dedication to your followers. OXOX ♥ #baerritofam

  26. Thank you for your transparency and willingness to explain how it all works. I've been a YouTube makeup watcher for a good five years now and discovered your channel this past year. You quickly became one of my favorites! Your thoroughness in reviewing products lends itself to more reliability and trustworthiness. Some people rush through products and say "Oh my God! I love this!" and move on without providing information on why, which makes it seem they are pushing products or just somehow love everything. I love that your videos are centered around products you've tested and actually use. Not an "updated everyday makeup routine" or "updated hair routine" that just so happens to use one single brand or line of products when we then realize it's sponsored. That's always disappointing! Thanks for keeping it real! #snapfam

  27. It's unfortunately become and epidemic on YT (and blogs etc) for content creators to mislead and/or take advantage of their viewers... thus the reason many of us are starting to speak out. The FTC is very clear about sponsorship and their rules. ANY compensation: monetary, free product, discounts, trips, advertising opportunities.. anything equals sponsorship. All of the above, as well as affiliate codes, are supposed to be clearly designated as such... and being open about payment in product while at the same time stating the content is not sponsored completely defeats the purpose. Companies send product for one reason, to get promotion. If you accept the product, and then create content using it, whether positive or negative, you are sponsored. As was mentioned previously vague statements ("some of the links may be affiliate"), are not acceptable. Even putting information in the information box is not sufficient.. it is supposed to be clearly mentioned in the video itself. Very few are following the rules, and you are right.. the FTC is severely dropping the ball on taking action, thus the proliferation of issues. I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they simply do not read the guidelines, but that really is no excuse, especially when this is their job. The rules were put into place to protect the consumer because there was a need to do so. As someone who was watching YT before monetization.. it's really disappointing to watch a community of people who were passionate about whatever topic they chose to create for, creating for the joy of it, forming social relationships with their subscribers... be turned into HSN. At least there you know up front that you are being sold to. I personally have become so frustrated and disillusioned I've considered stopping YT completely.. I'm down to a handful of subscriptions that can be straight up honest, and I'm getting tired of searching only to be disappointed. I appreciate the effort you have taken with this post and adding it to your video description.. but encourage you to research the guidelines further. It can be done right. "The FTC is concerned about endorsements that are made on behalf of a sponsoring advertiser. For example, an endorsement would be covered by the FTC Act if an advertiser – or someone working for an advertiser – pays you or gives you something of value to mention a product. If you receive free products or other perks with the expectation that you’ll promote or discuss the advertiser’s products in your blog, you’re covered. Bloggers who are part of network marketing programs where they sign up to receive free product samples in exchange for writing about them also are covered." https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking

  28. I really appreciate how transparent you are, Taylor! I wish all "influencers" were like you. Keep up the amazing work, you are one of the realist YouTubers around!

  29. Thanks for making such a cool post which is really very well written. Will be referring a lot of friends about this. Keep blogging making money online with affiliate marketing

  30. Taylor, it's soooo awesome that you wrote this and put it up! I havent seen any other tuber do this, which in turn i do not make any purchases on thier links because i feel there is a lack of honesty with thier intentions.. It shows you have real love for your subs and that money comes second to them, thats how you posting this makes me feel! Biiiggg💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 to you, your such a great woman! Thanks for this once again..💞ya Taylor!!

  31. I know this is old but I just came across I today when I was reading your description box. I don't watch many YouTubers but as one of those I do, I really appreciate that you clearly only showcase products you love. I have watched many of your videos and I know what Sigma, Morphe or Amazon product you recommend because you use them over and over. I know that I'm not being told to buy a specific brand because of an affiliate code. I also appreciate that you are not constantly plugging your codes. If someone wants to use them, they are always available but you're not shoving them down people's throats. Thank you for staying true to your audience and yourself and I will continue to watch...and now buy my first Morphe brush bc you've been using it for concealer for years!

  32. I would click every affiliate link just so u get more money! (Not sure I can buy from some websites as I'm in australia)
    Love your videos and thought of check this out.
    Thanks for always being you!

  33. Been seeing a lot of drama on YouTube recently around this topic and found this post timely, insightful and helpful. Thanks for the transparency!

  34. I love your honesty. People do tend to get upset about these things because unfortunately,there are people who abuse their position and get greedy OR money hungry. Honestly though, its just like watching TV..commercials do pop up, and if you watch your show carefully you may see who sponsors there air time. (Example-The Big Bang Theory-Sheldon may be slugging that Pepsi away on camera but just might HATE it off camera. J/s..lol) I can tell Taylor loves her job(s) for the most part, and she works hard to get where she is. I for one am glad she is getting paid for her work, ESPECIALLY since she puts the majority of her time AND effort into making content to share with us. If more youtubers could just be more honest and open(even when making mistakes) I really don't think people would have as many problems with affiliates or sponsorships,it is after all, a job-(even if it IS ALOT of our dream jobs lol). But As always if you don't like what ur watchingq-Just don't click on it! Simple. Anyways sorry for the ranting. I LOVE LOVE your content and that you keep it 💯 with us. Loved this article and would like to read more on what you have to say in the future❤

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